0 PL Group 1 Dowty/Ultra Pattern Gear Pumps – Front/ Single Pump.Clockwise Rotation.Displacement: 5.14cc/ rev ( 5.14 Litres at 1000 rpm).Taper 1:8 Shaft. Diameter 12.7mm gauge basic taper 1:8 on diameter with 5/16” – 24UNF x 8.3 LG minimum full thread, 34.7mm standout from the face of flange..4 bolt mounting flange 71.42mm x 96.19mm with a pilot 36.47mm diameter x 4.6mm high.Dowty body ports, 4 tapped holes (¼” – 20 UNC x 12.7 minimum thread) in the shape of a square [25.15mm x 25.15mm] around a centre hole diameter 14.2mm.Modular front/ Intermediate section.Nitrile Shaft Seal